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  • How to reduce video file size in a smartphone

    Need to quickly resize a video file in your smartphone? Step by step guidance is provided by experts right here.

    I am able to resize (500kb to 100kb or so) the images in MS Paint that photos taken from my Smartphone but and unable to do the same to resize for Video taken from it. How to reduce the file size of video that was taken from a Smartphone? Is there any option in Smartphone or VLC media player or other sources? For example, my video is of 20MB and I would like to reduce the MB size etc. Kindly guide step by step or in layman language.
  • Answers

    7 Answers found.
  • Well, this exactly was the problem I had been facing a couple of years ago. There are a few softwares available which help you convert your video to any format and size as per your wish.

    1. Handbrake
    This is one of the tools I frequently use. It can convert your videos between different formats. Best part with the tool is it is free and open source. You can download it from
    The software is compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac. It has a few settings to dabble with if you are knowledgeable enough with the concept.

    2. Freemake Video Converter
    This is another software that always stays on my desktop. It you are in the habit of shooting videos on your smartphone at high resolution, it is a must for you to use this easy to use application. In comparison with Handbrake, it is more simpler in terms of interface. It helps you convert your videos between different formats. You can download it from

    Well, these two are my favourites and I regularly use them. There are many such tools available. But, Handbrake and Freemake are my all time favourites. Best part with these apps is that you can save the converted video with a separate filename so that you can keep both original file and the converted files together.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • Ok, thanks a lot for the above and detail / perfect reply. However, is there any apps for Smartphone to reduce the video file size therein Smartphone itself instead of moving it to computer and change it later? BTW, max how much can we reduce the video file size in case if it is 20MB? Both in Desktop or Smartphone?


  • Well, even if you have to bear the extra burden of moving the video to your PC and then back to your phone after conversion - the above methods prove to be much better. They help you maintain the quality of the video file. However, if you are interested in the smartphone apps - here are a couple of them. Let me make it clear that I have not used any of such apps and so do not have any hands on experience an out them.

    1. Video compressor
    It is a simple app. You need to specify the output folder and output file name along with the requisite file size. You can set multiple files for conversion.

    2. Video compressor by Android Pixels
    It lets you compress videos based on seconds. The app is quite slow and has heavy dose of ads.

    3. Vid Trim
    The app compresses your videos using transcode option.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • The best way to reduce the video file size from within the phone would be to record the video in a lower resolution in the first place.

    Although, there are a few apps that would allow you to reduce the size of a video from say 20MB to 8-10MB, but the rendering process would put a lot of pressure on the tiny phone's processor. I would not recommend using a CPU heavy app just to reduce the size of the video on the phone. Recording the video in 720p instead of 1080p or 480p instead of 720p seems like a better idea.

    In case, its a pre-recorded video and you'd like to reduce its size, a simple video editor (like the ones mentioned by Timmappa above) should be used.

  • As suggested in earlier reply Handbreak can convert the video file in a format that is readable by the video players on phone.

    For example 3GP is the format that is being read by almost every video player on the smartphone regardless of it's platform.

    You can use Handbreak to convert the file format into 3GP and use the existing video player to play the file.

    3GP reduces the resolution and the file size. Do note that for 5.5'' and higher mobile or tablet size 3GP conversion may not be a good idea.

    However, the 3GP file format is going to give you good amount of reduced file size.

  • Follow these steps to compress a video file in Android mobile:

    1. First of all, download Video Compressor app from Playstore and instal it on your mobile.
    Link -

    2. Click on the "Input File" option and select the location of the video file.

    3. Then, click on "Output Folder", and choose folder, where you would like to save the compressed file.

    3. From the 3rd option, choose a name for the Output file.

    4. Then, choose File size of the Output file. For example, if you current video is of 20 MB, then select 10 MB for better compression and quality.

    5. At last, click on Convert button to start the process.

  • I personally experimented for both (video and image), image works within MS paint itself once cut and paste in a different new jpg file name and saved it. The KB/MB sizes reduced from previous one to the lower one. Likewise, I tried video too in a different tools that works fine. Thanks to all of you for detail explanation on this.


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