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  • How to design a perfect website for general technology information

    Eager to create a great website of your own for tech information? Get step by step guidance and expert tips right here.

    I recently learned some programming languages so I now want to create a website of my own. What are the steps to create one? Can someone help me what things I should keep in mind while making a website? Also tell me do I need to buy a URL? From where I can buy one?
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • There are many ways to create websites. Let me tell you a couple of them.
    1. As you are new to web development and have just learned some programming languages, you can try creating a blog on or first. They offer free services. You should have knowledge about HTML, CSS, etc. If you know Javascript, AJAX, etc. that would be great. If you start from here you will have a fair idea of the management of content on the website and you can also do some experimentation on it before making it big by buying a custom domain.
    But one of the major problems with these free services is that we can choose the name that we want for the website but they will add their name along with our url. For. e.g.
    2. If you want to buy a custom domain then you can get rid of all the problems and create the website the way you want it to be. But here you have to have a better knowledge of their interface.
    They also provide themes for website and also some tool for designing. You can also download themes/templates from the internet to get started.
    You can buy domain online using credit card, debit card or online banking from websites like,,, etc.

    Some things to keep in mind while developing website:
    If you are serious about continuing with the website then, you should update your website regularly and add quality content to it. You can also monetize your website by signing up for ad services. You can google about that.

  • So you want to build your own website ? That's great. Before starting your development, you need to have clear idea about what is your website about. As a result, you can be specific to the content to your site. This help you to increase your google rank as the site title and content of the site matched.

    Moreover, as Godson said, you can create free blog on or Remember that, your content should not be copied from the other websites. You should post your original post. This will keep you in priority by SEO.

    For domain, you can buy url online from many sites. Mostly used are
    and many more.
    You have to choose from where you want to buy your domain.

    Good luck. Happy Coding :)

  • Follow the steps as below to set up your own website. Please note that these suggestions are basic in nature. You will need to proceed as per your actual requirements.

    1. Get a domain name

    Well, thats the first thing you will need. Choose a domain name ( or the URL, as you stated in your question) that perfectly suits your purpose or niche of your website. You can get the domain name from several registrars out there. GoDaddy is one of the best among them. Please note that you need to pay an annual fee for the domain name.

    2. Select a hosting service for hosting your site

    By getting a domain name you have registered the company! Now is the time to build the company. Select a hosting provider that suits your requirements and budget. A Hosting service is the one that makes your site visible to the world. Opt for a hosting service based on your target audience. BlueHost is a popular hosting service thatl offers some really affordable annual plans.

    3. Point your domain to your hosting account

    Once you sign in to the hosting service you have chosen, you will have your own Control panel in your account. Use the requisite plugins to point your domain name to your hosting account.

    4. Build your website

    Now, all is set to build your own website. Create webpages as you would like to. Pay attention to be unique to be noticed.

    If you are looking for a web design company in Kerala, SpiderWorks can help you. We have a strong team of experienced web designers in Kochi, Kerala.

    Live....and Let Live!

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