A quick comparison on Honda Dream Yuga & Hero Passion Xpro furnish the following results:
Engine type and Displacement:
Honda Dream Yuga provides a 4-Stroke, SI Engine, OHC 2-Valve and it is also Air Cooled. Whereas Hero Passion Xpro gives a 4-Stroke, Single Cylinder OHC, with Air Cooled feature. As far as displacement is concerned Passion Xpro provides 109.1 cc engine and Dream Yuga has a 109.0 cc engine which doesn't posses much effect.
As far as power is concernd Dream Yuga has 6.35 kW (8.5 bhp) @ 7500 RPM power. On the other hand Passion Xpro gives a 6.4 kW (8.7 Ps) @ 7500 RPM power.
Rear Suspension:
Dream Yuga has a Tube type both sides operations and also it is 5 step adjustable. Whereas Passion Xpro gives Swing arm operation with adjustable Hydraulic Shock Absorber.
Fuel Tank Capacity:
If you prefer Dream Yuga you would have the maximum fuel tank capacity of 8 litres. Whereas in case of Passion Xpro it is 9.5 litres.
Rest all the features are same for both such as
Ignition, battery, headlamp and much more.
This comparison on the the vehicles gives a clear result that you should go for Passion Xpro instead of Dream Yuga.