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  • How to create popular Facebook pages?

    Eager to make a Facebook page popular? With expert tips, you can generate popularity of your Facebook pages.

    Often a times, on Facebook, we encounter some very famous pages with millions of likes and thousands of comments. My question here is: How to create such a successful FB page? What is the secret behind this huge success? Is it promotion or creativity or anything else or mixture of all of this? So many pages have got unanimous support and today they are creating money out of it. So if one wants to create such a page then is it necessary to have some brand name? I mean how we can start to create this kind of page?
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • Here are some my observations regarding popular pages on Facebook.

    1. Interesting content. Posting interesting content can retain the traffic on your page.

    2. Controversial content. This way you can make people comment and interact on your page.

    3. Humor. It's hard to have humor for some pages but adding those meme images helps.

    4. Good images. No matter what type of content you post, make sure to grab attention with good images.

    5. Videos. Facebook has this beta program for videos that you can use for making viral video content.

    If you have these five points on your side then you can get some decent traffic on your page. However success of any page depends on your goals for that page.

  • I myself have joined many such pages and groups. So, I can share what made me participate, like and visit them often.
    First of all it has to invoke public curiosity, interest and also their spirit of looking for like minded people.
    For instance, I have joined pages for content writing, philosophy, psychology and my favorite actors and singers.
    The same way, there are people, subjects, issues and events that automatically draw people's attention.
    Two such persons whom people cannot avoid if they come across are like Michael Jackson and say Mr.Bean.
    Another subject which people generally don't ignore is "Environment", "Jobs" and "shopping".
    So, you have to make a good guess work, observation and analyze. The next stage would be picking something that matches your interest too. And the continuing thing would be promoting them with latest posts every now and then.

  • Apart from what has been pointed out above, it could be useful to take note of the following points -

    1. Use a good and interesting username. It helps much in gaining attention to your page.

    2. Make sure you edit and update the About section of your page on a regular basis. This would play a major role in letting your prospective fans about your interests. .

    3. Use an impressive cover image for your page. It should be such that it should lure your followers to look into the page for more content.

    4. Ask your friends to like your page. This sets the plan rolling and friends of your friends begin liking the page.

    5. Share your website or blog on your facebook page. You can use third party apps to feed your twitter or any other social feeds into your facebook page.

    6. Promote your page as vigorously as you can. You can use the plugins available for the purpose. Meanwhile, take care not to look too spammy.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • If you want to make your Facebook page popular then you should follow the steps given below:

    1. You should have a proper and a good contact page of your Facebook page.

    2. You should have a good and proper page description of your page like what this page is about.

    3. You should share it with your friends as much as possible and ask them to like your page.

    4. You should regularly post your content on it.

    5. But you should only post anything related to the topic of your page.

    6. You should have a good profile pic and the cover picture of your page.

    7. You should always post something interesting on your page so as many people will attract towards your page.

    8. You should post a Facebook status with Public regarding your page and their is a trick you can use to tag all your friends at once by a coding which you can easily get on Web.

    9. You should also ask your best friends to actively participate on your page by commenting on the posts and liking any post. You should keep in mind not only fetch likes for your page as the most important thing is to make your page popular which can only be made if your page has some active members and good reaching.

    10. You should help the people to find your page by sharing your page to the Timeline of your Profile and also at the work place in your Profile.

    11. The only part where most of the people lack to make their Facebook page popular is they only ask for likes at once and they be happy with lots of like only at one time. But this doesn't results to be good as the people will not actively addictive to your page so post unique as well as interesting and also trending about the topic of your page.

    12. So these were the tips to make your Facebook page popular. This is only what I think and have experienced, you can find more better from the Web.

    13. Also you should share your page at everywhere like other social media sites and other social media apps like Whatasapp and other.


    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

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