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  • How to get viral on Social Media?

    Eager to make your blog post viral on social media platforms? Know the best tips and tricks from experts.

    I would like to promote my blog post/ product on Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Stumbleupon. Is there any way to do multiple things to get a unique traffic without promoting through Ad Campaigns? I know many internet marketers are using tricks to gain traffic, but I could not find the actual method.
  • Answers

    5 Answers found.
  • First and foremost, your blog post should be of really good quality. It should not have poorly written content. It is important to take care of grammar & spellings too and not just post in any which way you want. Quality content also means not meandering and sticking to the topic. It is also good to have a title that creates an instant attraction, creating an urge to the visitor to read your post.

    Then comes the key to getting traffic, which is no easy task of course. What you could do:
    1. Put in the Facebook Like button.

    2. Place Tweet/ReTweet buttons.

    3. Put in the Share button so that visitors can instantly share your post with others.

    4. Put in the Subscribe by email feature.

    5. Ensure there is a box for visitors to give their comments. After all, blogging is all about interacting & what's the use if your readers cannot communicate to you what they feel about your post?

    Next, you could try getting traffic through guest comments at reputed sites/blogs. To know which these are, you should check their Google page rank. A point to note here: You can also check the page rank of your own blog posts [refer to the instructions given at:].


  • Well, there isn't a foolproof way to make your content go viral on social media. Apart from what has been ably described above, you can use a few tips which may or may not work -

    1. Do not forget that content is the king for any blog. You need to come up with original content. You also need to pay attention to the grammar and language of what you write.

    2. Have a positive sounding attitude all through your content. Always remember that negativity does not attract people.

    3. Make sure your content is practically usable than just being a theoretical essay. Such posts have more possibility of getting shared.

    4. Keep yourself abreast with knowledge on latest technology.

    5. Join fanpages on facebook. It will help you get good traffic to your blog. .

    6. Try to focus on current trends. People always search for something current and it will be helpful in going viral if you post anything related to the most searched topic.

    7. Use better and interesting images.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • Post controversial content. I know it sounds like dirty trick to get attention of people. But that is what works these days.

    Almost everybody these days are posting something that is controversial. People are posting something that offends or make some beliefs rethink themselves.

    You can have genuine content, brand, good stuff and all other regular stuff yet that does not help stand out from crowd.

    In order to stand apart, you have to shake the existing market with new thoughts. Controversial content comes into this category.

    Now how you make such content and how you deal with consequences is upto you.

  • I am not talking about the content, as everybody told about it and you too probably know by now.
    I am talking about the promotion and letting people know about it. The effect of it is the result, on which we have no hands (Bhagavad Gita).
    The Karma part is:
    Join as many groups possible in the social media site, which have similar niche.
    Keep posting your stuff in all of them.
    Invite friends in your own group and promote it in your own profile at least twice or thrice in a week.
    All these are free of cost, the only investment is time and effort, but that's ok for a trial isn't it?

  • Getting viral on Facebook is not difficult as it sounds but you will need to work really hard to achieve that target. You can follow these steps to fulfill your target : -
    1. Write good content or product which people are looking for.
    2. Create a good network on social networking sites which you are targeting.
    3. Add people of your niche in your circle and share your posts with them.
    4. Ask you friends to share your posts among their friends and ask them to say same to others.
    5. If you can spend 5$ (INR 300) then get Fiverr gig for social increment.

    If your content/product have potential to attract people towards them. Then just sit back and relax everything will be fine.

    Joy Joon

    I am currently pursuing High School and planning to pursue career in Computer. Currently, I work on one of my blog - JTech Articles.

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