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  • How to get Pizzahut voucher for downloading Flipkart app?

    Keep on getting a Pizzahut voucher for downloading Flipkart app? Know how to get this voucher from the advice provided below.

    I learnt from Flipkart's website that you can get Pizzahut voucher for downloading Flipkart app. Can anyone tell me the step by step procedure for the same?
  • Answers

    1 Answers found.
  • How to get Pizza Hut discount code :
    1. Download Flipkart app from -

    2. Install, open and login to your Flipkart account. Create one if you don't have an account.

    3. Now, check the in-app notification.

    4. You will get a discount coupon code of worth 150 Rupees.

    How to redeem :
    1. Download PizzaHut mobile app from -

    2. Add a product to your cart from "Pan & So Cheezy Pizzas, Appetizers & Desserts" menu.

    3. Click on "Check for Coupon Code" and enter the Discount Code and click on redeem.

    4. You will get 150 Rupees off on your total bill.

    5. Confirm the order and proceed to checkout.

    Note :
    1. To get the coupon code, you need to login to the Flipkart app atleast once between 28th August - 10th September, 2015.

    2. The coupon code will expire on 30th September, 2015.

    3. Offer is only valid on Flipkart and Pizza Hut mobile apps.

    4. In order to redeem the code, you need make an order of atleast 300 Rupees.

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