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  • What are the colour options available for Tata Ace ?

    Searching for information on colour options for the Tata Ace? Get updates on it right here from this Ask Expert page.

    I would like to know the colour options available for Tata Ace mini vehicle. Please provide the complete list.
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • Tata Ace Mini was launched after taking extensive feedback from three wheeled cargo auto owners nationwide. They wanted an efficient light weight cargo vehicle which would be suitable for short distances. Also the four wheeled version was a prestige issue compared to the three wheelers.
    It is available in following color variants -

    1. White

    2. Black

    3. Silver

    4. Red


    Please note that the colors can be changed and/or discontinued at the company's discretion without any notice.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • Tata Ace mini is available in these colours :

    - White.
    - Black.
    - Silver.
    - Red.
    - Blue.

  • Tata Ace Mini is available in few color varieties like:

    1. Red
    2. Black
    3. White
    4. Silver
    5. Blue

    You can buy the Tata Ace Mini in any of your favorite color from the above list.

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