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  • Which are the top Online To-do Lists ?

    To-Do lists are supposed to keep us hooked to our tasks and never lose track of them. To-Do Lists let you leave everything on the list while at the same time, you are supposed to only do what it says. What are the best online To-Do list utilities?

    I've used a paper "Things to do today" list for years, and it results in great pleasure from striking through completed tasks. Modern online to-do lists allow you to keep track of all the projects you're working on – big or small, personal or work-based. So which are the top online To-do lists ?
  • Answers

    5 Answers found.
  • You can go for Todoist which is a reputed online to-do lists you can easily bind up your work and the best part is that it is available on multiple platforms such as Android, iOS, Chrome, etc. So you don't need to always go for any particular device to use this.

    I am currently pursuing High School and planning to pursue career in Computer. Currently, I work on one of my blog - JTech Articles.

  • Some of the good to-do list apps are: Remember The Milk, Asana, Todolists, Trello, Notes, AnyDo, SimpleNotes.

    These are the note apps that also allows the to do list application. I have found that there are also the reminder features in the app that helps for the work reminder.

    If you want notification on the email too, then there are some of the apps that have paid plan which allow that. But most of the plans that these todolist have are quite common and you can use it.

  • These are some of the best online To-do lists apps:-


  • There are many applications available for tracking your To Do lists. Some of the prominent ones are -

    1. Google Keep
    Available as an Android application and also as a web client. It is faster, reliable and easy to use. You can keep your notes, images, videos etc across devices and also on cloud. Recent updates have added color coded notes. But it lacks the advanced features available on other apps.

    2. Any.Do
    It is the most good looking mobile app for keeping track of your To Do lists. It is also available as a Chrome add-on. It has support for Android and iOS, supports recurring tasks and also syncs well between devices and platforms. It does not have a web client though.

    3. Todolist
    It has mobile apps for iOS, android and also web clients for Windows. It has its presence as add-on for Chrome and Firefox.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • Here are some other online to-do list apps :

    1. Wunderlist :
    It is a multi-platform to-do list app. It is available on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, Android, Windows Phone, Windows PC, Linux and even on the Web. It has over 13 million users worldwide.

    HabitRPG :
    HabitRPG is a fun online to-do list app. Actually it is a video game, it turns all your tasks into monsters. You have to defeat them to progress in the game. It has been featured in Forbes, New York Times, LifeHacker and few other publications.

    It is the most voted to-do list on LifeHacker. It works on Android, iPhone, Mac and web. With this app, you can sync your to-do lists on different devices.

    Others : Google Keep and Toodledo are also good to-do list apps.

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