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  • Best flip covers for Karbonn Sparkle V

    Searching for best flip covers for Karbonn Sparkle V ? Check what our members think about best available flip covers for Karbonn Sparkle V.

    I am planning to buy Karbonn Sparkle V (Android One) as it is packed with awesome features and capabilities and its now being sold on Flipkart for just Rs.3999/-. I would like to know the best flip covers for Karbonn Sparkle V. Mention the price, model name and the best deals available for the covers online.
  • Answers

    1 Answers found.
  • A few good quality flip covers for Karbonn Sparkle V are -

    1. DMG flip cover for Sparkle V
    The cover is available on Flipkart at Rs.399.

    2. Amzer Back Cover for Karbonn Sparkle V
    This cover is available on Flipkart at Rs. 138.

    3. APE Flip Cover for Karbonn Sparkle V
    The flip cover is available on Flipkart at Rs.279.

    4. DMG Holster for Karbonn Android One Sparkle V
    DMG Holster for Karbonn Android One Sparkle V is available at Rs. 399.

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