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  • Something ironical happened in my laptop having Windows 7 Ultimate version

    Bug in normal user account in Windows 7. Go through this ask experts thread to know how to solve the issue of a stuck system and 'Please Wait' message on welcome screen being shown.

    Last week a friend of mine asked, "How to make a normal user account, as an administrator and assign the privileges of administrator?". I told him and showed him in my laptop. I created an account (normal user account as I am the administrator) named "Madan (another hilarious friend of mine)" and then set the permission of administrator after creating the account. Till this point my laptop was working OK. Then after 1-2 days I restarted my laptop as it was hanging very much but the operating system stuck on the welcome screen and display "Please wait..." for one hour, it happens whenever I restart the system but my system does not open (login). So, I realize that may be it is due to the another administrator account which I have created named "Madan". Then I restart my laptop in safe mode and delete the account "Madan" and then restart my laptop in normal mode. You cannot believe, my laptop is working fine. How it is possible that another administrator account can create such type of ironical problem?
  • Answers

    1 Answers found.
  • This problem looks more like a service or policy attached to a certain admin account is interfering with the admin login. This happens mostly on pure NT based setups. I am surprised to see the same issue being passed on upto Windows 7 architecture as well. This often can be resolved by creating new admin account or changing the old admin account to normal user privileges.

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