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  • What is the use of WP RSS Multi Importer plugin?

    Seen bloggers using WP RSS Multi Importer plugin? Check out with our experts the benefits of using it and how to use it in your own blog.

    I found a plugin called WP RSS Multi Importer which is being used by some bloggers. I would like to know what are the benefits of using this plugin. How to use it? How does it make your work simple? Please explain in simple terms.
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • WP RSs Multi importer plugin is a free plugin for Wordpress it can be use to merge and display RSS and Atom feeds on your Wordpress website. There are 13 customizable templates. Can create auto feeds blog posts.

  • WP RSS Multi Importer is a free plugin for blogs. With this plugin, you can aggregate RSS feeds of other blogs to your own blog.

    For example, if you want to aggregrate resource section of techulator on your blog, then copy its RSS feed url ( and paste it in the plugin. Now, it will automatically pull all the articles from techulator to your site. It doesn't shows full article, instead, it only shows a little snippet of the article and a link to the original destination of the article i.e., techulator.

    You can download this plugin from -

  • WP RSS Multi-importer plugin is a very good plugin focused on RSS. It is most helpful if you want to relate your website to any other Website/blog. As @Muddassir told you have to just add URL to that particular section and it will fetch all the URL of resources from that site and view them on your Blog. It will get your better relation with blogger and high chance of traffic as well.

    I am currently pursuing High School and planning to pursue career in Computer. Currently, I work on one of my blog - JTech Articles.

  • WP RSS Importer plugin offers the ability to import the RSS content. So this plugin is used more or less into the website which scrape the content from other sites. So auto blogs and the sccraped weblogs are the primary users of such RSS feed. You can also find the plugin being used by the users who want to update the website with news all the time. That being said, this plugin can be used as an automation content creator. So content creation part being harder, goes to show you that it helps your work become simple. Think of it as a content creator that fetches RSS feed of other site to build it's own content.

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