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  • How to add forum discussion section in blog hosted on Blogger?

    Eager to launch a forum discussion section on your blogger blog? Know the easy way to implement this if it is possible to do so.

    I am having my own blog hosted on Blogger. I have also bought domain name from Bigrock.

    I would like to have suggestions from Techulator experts about adding 'forum' or a discussion section to my blog. Is it possible? If yes, what are the requirements to start with it?
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • Though I am not an expert on blogging and related stuff, I found something over the net. Now that I do not clearly understand the coding, I would prefer to provide you the link here which may be helpful for you.

    Please note that I am giving this response purely with an intention to help you. I dont understand the coding explained in the above link.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • If you want to add a free forum/discussion area to your site, there are many sites which provides you to add forum to your site.

    I would suggest you to goto and create your own forum for adding to your site. It is very simple to add, and the settings are also easy for novice blogger.

    I have already tried this and satisfied. Apart from providing forum it also have the features like pageview counting, social media sign in and etc.

    Thus you can create your own forum there and attract your visitors.

    Thanks & Regards,
    All I Can Do Is Be Me!

  • You can't embed the forum within the blogger blog. However, you can do one thing. Join the sites like forummotion and proboards. Once you do sign up then you just have to link to that forum board in the menu. That also work as well. I think if you want to use blogger then you have only this option. For wordpress bloggers, they can use Buddypress and embed the forum inside their own blog and it works flawlessly.

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