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  • How to get back the profile name in email?

    Want to know how to get back profile name in Yahoo email ? Get the suitable response from TEC team to change the profile name of Yahoo.

    I am using yahoo mail and this mail has been opened about 7 years before. One year before, when I use this mail id for commenting blogs(Google Plus) I use different name. Until recently(Or I have noticed) that so far my name in the email has been displayed as my profile name but now it is displaying the name I have used for Google plus.

    How to get back my profile name or how to display my profile name on both ends that is receive or send?
  • Answers

    2 Answers found.
  • Please note that Google Plus and Yahoomail is totally a different things. When you comment on any blog using your Google Plus profile you will get profile name you are using in Google Plus. If you are commenting on blogs using Yahoo profile you will get Yahoo profile name. As you said in your question that you are getting different profile name while using Yahoo profile please check the steps as mention below.

    Open your yahoo account by using username and password.

    Click on the gear icon on the right side of the page.

    Click on settings.

    Now you will be on the page link given below.

    Check the profile name. You can edit your profile name from here if it is changed.

    After changing profile name you can click save button and you are done.

    Hope this will help

  • Your question is quite ambiguous and it is is a bit tough to understand what exactly you mean. If your Yahoo profile name has changed and you want to revert to your old profile name, follow the descriptions as in the above response. In case it does not work for any reason, follow the below mentioned steps -

    1. Hover your mouse pointer on your profile name. Remember to hover it - DO NOT CLICK.

    2. In the resulting pop up, click on Account Settings .

    3. Click on. Account Info .

    4. Provide your password if asked.

    5. Click on update your contact information

    You should be able to change your name and other details.

    Live....and Let Live!

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