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  • What is Rotimatic and where to buy it?

    Are you looking to buy Rotimatic and do not know where to buy it? Also want to know its technical details, price in India, reviews? Stay tuned to the question and get the response by our Experts

    Recently got latest technology news about latest gadget called Rotimatic. I would like to know more technical detail on this. Beside that, I wanted to know the detail of Rotimatic price in India, Rotimatic reviews and where to buy it online? Appreciate for your help on this.
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • Details about Rotimatic
    You can buy this Rotimatic at the price of $600. It is a roti maker which churns out around 250 roties everyday. It comes packed with 10 motors, 15 sensors and around 300 parts humming away. It doesn't take time like human beings to make roites. It works very fast. It is wide and tall around a foot. You just need to out the ingredients in this and then Rotimatic will heats up around 500 degrees Fahrenheit to make the roties for you. You cal also select the thickness and the to be added oil content in the roties from the small LCD screen which comes with it to make it start the process to make roties for you. It weighs around 18 Kg. It is a great product which saves a lot of time. This can be very helpful in the hotels to provide the customer with roties very quickly without consuming their precious time. I don't know where to buy it because I am not sure that is it launched. If it is not launched yet then just wait for sometime it will be surely releasing in 2015.


    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • Rotimatic the name itself says that it is made for India. It is a fully automatic robot that eliminates manual workload to make rotis and serve you hot perfect rotis on your table. It is much more costlier than other rotimakers as it claims to be fully automatic, while in these ones you need to put some manual efforts like kneeding, making the balls and placing them on the plate. Right now they are not available even in online stores. It can be availed only from the company site as a pre-order, where you have to fill up a form and then they would give you the feed back regarding how you are going to receive it at your place.

    The pre-order price is $599 which comes to Rs 35,000 in INR

  • Currently, you cannot buy Rotimatic in India. The batch will be released in USA and Singapore only and it is not clear whether they will release it in our countries or not. The price of Rotimatic is $599.

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