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  • How to get rid of unwanted comments with URL in Blogger blog post?

    Do you have a blog on Blogger platform? Read this thread to know the best ways to get rid of unwanted spam comments in your blog posts.

    I am maintaining my blog in Blogger and I am very much frustrated by the unwanted guest comments with URL of their interest or website. I do not want such thing in my blog comments. I want to get rid of this. How do I prevent comments with URL in my blog? Is there any specific way to tackle it?
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • Though there don't seems to be ways to completely block them, you may choose to employ some extra measures.

    1. Set to receive email notification for every new comment. That way, you will be able to check and delete (if needed) the spam immediately.

    2. Enable word verification for the comments. With an extra step needed, this may be helpful in deterring the bots from commenting.

    3. Enable Comment moderation. This will help you delete the spam before it is posted publicly on your blog.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • Blogger gives several options to fight spam comments. Some of them are as follows.

    1. Firstly, login to Blogger.

    2. Then, goto Settings->Posts and comments.

    3. Here, you will see these options :

    - Who can comment : Set this option as "Registered User" or "User with Google Accounts". So that, an Anonymous user will not be able to comment on your blog. This is the most common cause of spam comments.

    - Comment Moderation : Set this option as "Always". So that, you can delete any spammy comment from your blog.

    - Show word verification : Turn on this feature. So that, an spam bot will not be able to comment on your blog.

    4. That's all.

  • Require moderation

    Keep the door to your blog locked by setting things up so that you screen all first time commenters. In your blog's settings, go to the "comments" section, and set it to require moderation for first-time commenters. That means if someone comes to your blog and comments for the first time, you need to actually approve the comment before it will show up on your blog. By choosing this option, you keep control over the comments – and after someone has been approved once, you won't have to approve them again.

    I don't recommend requiring moderation for every comment all the time, because that just discourages people from posting. Remember, comments encourage discussion among your readers, so don't put an unnecessary barrier there.

    Know who you're approving

    Once you've activated Akismet and set up moderation, this is the most critical piece to stopping spammers. Because you've chosen the "moderate once" option, that means that if you approve a comment from a spammer, you've opened the door wide open for them to flood your blog with spam comments. This is what happened to my friend.

    Be very careful about who you approve. Don't just blindly approve every comment that gets through Akismet, assuming it's ok. You still need to pay attention.

  • The best and simplest/default way to prevent spam comments is turning on your word verification and comment moderation on your blogger settings.

    You can see this features on your Blogger settings menu. If you're using any other comment system such as disqus, intense debate etc, you may have the option to prevent comments which have certain keywords. For example, in intense debate comment system you can automatically block comments which have certain keywords. In addition all comment system including default blogger will prevent comments which have links or if they are appeared as spam.

    So, you can use comment moderation as well as word verification/human verification to prevent automatic comments.

    Thanks & Regards,
    All I Can Do Is Be Me!

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