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  • Is it possible to hide one friend from another on Facebook?

    Want to hide your friends list from one another on Facebook? Curious of tricks to hide one friend from another? Keep an eye on this thread to know how to do this on Facebook.

    I have few friends on Facebook friends from school, some from college and some are my colleagues. I want to hide school friends from college friends and both college and school friends from colleagues. I want to is there any trick available to perform this task on Facebook ?
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • There is no such trick as per your needs. But you can hide your complete friend list from anyone's view. Here are steps to do so.

    1. Login to your facebook account.

    2. Click on "Profile" tab.

    3. Then click on "Friends" tab, just below your profile picture.

    4. There, you will see, "Who can see your friend list?" option. Click on it and select "Only Me".

    5. Now, no one can see your friend list except you.

  • There is no way to hide a particular friend from another. You can hide all your friends from one another.
    Here is how to do it -
    1. Go to your Time line.

    2. Open Friends tab.

    3. Click on Edit button ( the button with pencil icon).

    4. Select Edit Privacy .

    5. Choose Only Me for the friends item.

    Done! Now, no one except you ( and the mutual friends) will be able to see your friend list.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • Yes, it is very much possible to hide your friend list of Facebook from those whom you don't want to see your other friends:

    Just follow these simple steps:

    1. Log on to your Facebook account
    2. Go to your own profile page
    3. Click on the Friends tab
    4. On upper right, there will be an "manage" button with pen icon.
    5. Click on that, you would get two options, where you should choose,"edit settings"
    6. There you can choose the audience whom you allow to see your friend list,
    7. To maintain complete privacy, you can choose "only me".
    8. To categorize your friends list, you need to add them as "close friends", "friends" "family" "acquaintances" .

    So if you categorize your school friends in one, and college friends in another, say, the first as friends, the second as close friends, then you can choose one of them to see the other or not to see the other.
    Hope that works.

  • Yes it is possible. Now you can hide one friend from another on is complete guide:

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