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  • How to set an auto-expiry date in Google Drive for shared files and folders

    Need to install an auto-expiry date in Google Drive for shared files & folders? Find out the procedure to set up an auto-expiry date in Google Drive for files & folders once you have finished sharing them.

    Sometime we need to share files, folder, images with our friends or colleagues. At the time of sharing, it was most important and useful file for us. But after few days or after it is downloaded by your friends or colleagues it is of no use. So how to set auto auto-expiry date for such files at the time of uploading ?
  • Answers

    1 Answers found.
  • Google in itself does not allow you to set such an expiry date and time. However you can set this by including a Google script . I will not be able to give the Li know for the script here.
    You can copy the script over the Internet and edit the script. You need to edit the script to add your Google drive folder and the date and time. Edit the time zone and run the script and authorise it.

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