It is being said that "in a tubeless tire air sits in the cavity between the wheel rim and the inside of the tire." Thus off-road we can claim many benefits such us lower pressure, it gives us better grips and with no risk for pinch or punctures. However, these benefits diminish if we speak about on the road such us low pressure doesn't offer many benefits.
To name other benefits of the tubeless tires we have no silly punctures, liquid sealant, air escapes slowly, light, no unwanted friction and stable. But one thing that is noticeable as a part of their disadvantages of the tubeless tires and this is difficult to fit.
But for me, even then it is better to have tubeless tires because it's highly resistant to pinch flats, and you can drive all the way with a low pressure making it safer for you to drive. It also absorbs shock better than tires with tubes because it doesn't have at he separate forces of a pressurized tube pushing inside the tire.