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  • Which are the best websites to learn coding online

    Interested in learning coding online? From the responses below you can get a list of websites offering good coding tutorials.

    I would like to know about the websites where I can learn coding program free and easily. I am very much interested in PHP and HTML coding program. So please guide me with some website which provide me with best learning program with tutorials and easy to understand language.
  • Answers

    5 Answers found.
  • Websites to Learn HTML Online

    Websites to Learn PHP Online

  • First of all, I would say Web programming is really a very interesting field. Coming to the point, as you want to learn HTML and PHP, I would recommend you:


    These are paid sites. You need to pay for the courses of course. But If you passionately want to learn html and php, you can find the courses on the torrents which is illegal.

    But if you are looking for the free sites, I would definitely recommend you to use . It teaches you everything about web programming. Eg. html, css, jquery, ajax, javascript, PHP, mysql, sql, angularJs, etc which is more than you except. The plus point of this site is that you can learn with testing your own code online and view the result instantly.
    So, you can track your own progress.

    Best recommended is

    Besides this site, you can check the following list for learning
    1. for html, css, php, javascript
    2. for php
    3. for html, css
    4. for html, css, javascript, php
    5. for php
    6. for testing php code online

    Best of luck. Happy coding :)

  • As far as my knowledge goes, coding is something you need to learn by practice. Here are a few sites that help in that direction.

    1. CodeAcademy
    This is one of the best and popular online learning avenue. The courses are structured elegantly in a easy to use interface. There online tests wherein you can test your knowledge after completing each session. The service provides courses in Web Fundamentals, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, Ruby and APIs.

    2. Udacity
    Udacity believes in the principle of continuous education. It aims at making learning a pleasure than a duty. It offers courses in
    Web Development, HTML5, Python, Java, Computer Science, Algorithm and AI.

    3. Khan Academy
    Considered to be the fastest growing online education portal, Khan Academy has gained much accolades of late. Though it does not provide any specific language lessons, yet lets you learn programminv basics.

    4. MIT Open Courseware
    The course takes the programming from basic to advanced level. If you have a fair knowledge of basics of programming , head over to MIT.

    5. Code Avengers
    This New Zealnd based company is one of best to learn coding. They have courses across different languages like JavaScript, HTML and CSS. It also lets you learn coding apps and games. The courses are interactive and adopt a fun kind of environment to make learning a pleasure. The courses can be completed in 12 hours.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • When you are learning web development, the order of things you learn are important. So first you should learn HTML and then CSS. Once you are comfortable with both HTML and CSS then you can go ahead and learn Javascript and other languages such as PHP, Python and Ruby.

    1. Start with Codecademy to learn HTML and CSS.

    2. Go to FreeCodeCamp or TutorialsPoint and learn how to setup Apache and execute PHP tutorials.

    3. Learn basics of PHP and once you get comfortable with this you can learn OOP.

    4. Go to laracasts and learn how to setup and use Laravel. This framework is powerful and helps you build websites and app quickly.

    Avoid paid tutorials sites like Udemy, Teachable and few others. Reason being most of the content is available for free. And if you don't have the budget then you can definitely go ahead and use the free videos on youtube.

    I suggest checking out PHP Tutorials on Youtube :

  • Most of the organisation are moving towards online learning site called
    The reason are.
    1. Huge discounts on online courses.
    2. Courses are available under all categories including programming languages, Application Frameworks, Product Management, Product Leadership etc.
    3. All the courses are for lifetime and never expire.

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