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  • How to improve social profile for good employer consideration?

    Need to improve your social profile online? Free expert advice and tips are provided right here.

    It is a well known fact that many firms seek the social profile of the prospective employees before hiring them. There are some do's and dont's of a good social behaviour if you want to leave better impressions on the employers. What are the better ways to keep your profile clean?
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • The first thing you can do is to set good looking profile picture. It should not be a picture which you have taken at sea, river, mountain or in your friends birthday party. But picture must me a passport size photo with you attach with your resume.

    Second thing you can do on your social media profile is to write good short but descriptive summary about yourself. You can mention your skills, education, working back ground in short and best manner.

    Third thing you can on your social media profile add video about yourself. You can make make a video which shows your skills. You can also make Power Point presentation and upload it.

    Fourth thing you can do on your social media profile is to update it with your present address, your email, mobile number, whatsapp number, your twitter account, Facebook profile page and Google Plus address.

    Never write abusive or bad comments. Never upload pictures which are not good and which are only for fun. Never show you are in problem, you have breakup with your partner, etc.

    This are some of the best things you can do with your social media profile to attract your employers. All the above mention points will leave best impression on your employers.

  • The above points will mean you are trying to hide your realness from the one's viewing your profile. Social media does not mean Facebook alone. What about the interactions you have with peers or people from different walks of life on Twitter? Hiding your self from your friends is something that I will not agree to.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • Some tips from my side.

    1. Use your original picture on all social networks. If possible, use the same picture on every site.

    2. Create a unique username for your online presense. For example, if you search "tonymjohn", you will get search results of Tony sir. This way, you will also be able to create vanity URLs on different websites. For example
    - On twitter -
    - On facebook -
    - On Linkedin -

    3. The first place on which a visitor lands on while searching you is your profile page. Therefore, write detailed information about yourself like your achievement, qualities, skills etc. Do this atleast, on your LinkedIn and facebook profile. One more thing, don't write negative things about yourself, even if you have any.
    Hint : Look at the profile pages of Tony sir.

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