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  • Blogspot or Wordpress Apps for Smartphone

    Searching for useful blogspot and Wordpress apps for your smartphone? Get a list of the best such apps from experts here.

    Are there any apps for Blogspot or Wordpress which we can use for editing our blog from our Android Smartphone or Tab PC itself instead of a computer? If yes, kindly give me its link and let me know the procedure on how to edit my blog or how to post in my blog, etc. Also, are there any apps for installing MS Word in our smartphone? Kindly help.
  • Answers

    6 Answers found.
  • WordPress has official apps for smartphones. The apps are available both on iOS and Android.
    Here are a few features you will get on these apps.
    1. Access your blogs and contents on the go. Draft or edit your posts while on the move.
    2. You can get the stats for the visitors to your site. You will be able to find where are these visits coming from and to which content. You can fine tune your content to help get more traffic.
    3. The apps also features a reader to visit your favourite sites and joining them in the conversations.
    4. The apps feature push notifications. You will stay abreast with what is happening with your content. This will help you stay engaged with your followers.

    Visit the link to download the apps

    Live....and Let Live!

  • Thanks Timmappa for your reply and guideline on Wordpress apps. Is there any app for Blogspot too to use in Android OS related device?


  • Well, I could not find any official app for android (or for that matter any smartphone platform). I guess - though not sure- that they don't have any official app.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • Yes, there are some Wordpress applications available for both for iOS and even for the Android mobiles. Go through the details given below to know more about them.

    Wordpress applications for iOS

    • You can use them in your iOS to write your posts.
    • You can edit pages and also you can manage the comments on your blog with the help of these apps.
    • You can even upload photos from your iPhone, iPad or from your touch iPod.

    As these are with the support for both and even for self-hosted WordPress (2.92 or higher),users with all kind of experience levels can get going in seconds through these.

    Wordpress applications for Android

    • With these you can write new posts for your blog.
    • You can edit the content.
    • You can also manage the comments with built in notification feature on all of your Android devices.


    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • WordPress for Android
    1.You can write new posts with this app.
    2. Blog editing
    3. Manage comments. ( Approve, Trash, Spam )
    You can download App from below Link :

    Blogspot For Android
    1.You can write new post ans publish it or you can save it as draft.
    2. Edit your existing blog posts.
    3. Use multiple accounts.
    4. Use image in your post by just taking fresh pictures with app.
    5. Can change or add location information as well as labels.
    You can download App from below Link :

  • Both Blogger and Wordpress have official Android app. You can download them from the given link.

    Blogger -

    Wordpress -

    There is an Android app for MS-Word too. You can download it from -

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