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  • How to publish Web Android App on Google Play Store?

    Just created Android app and want to publish it on Google PlayStore? Then read this thread to know how to publish Web Android App on Google Play Store? Also know, how much you have to pay and how to pay?

    I have just created my first web based Android app (for via Appgeyser website. I want to now publish it to Google Play Store. Please let me know how to submit or publish Web Android App on Google Play Store? What are the fees to pay? And how to pay? Are Indian credit cards acceptable? If yes, then which one?

    Can I use my Google AdSense earning to pay for publishing at Play store?
  • Answers

    1 Answers found.
  • Publishing an app on Google Playstore is very easy. Just follow the below steps.
    1. Go to to the Playstore Developer Console -
    2. Now enter some basic information like your name, address etc.
    3. Then read and accept the Developer Agreement.
    4. Then pay $25 as a registration fee with your Google Wallet account. This is a one time fee. You can't use your AdSense account to pay this fee. Only Google Wallet account is allowed to do so.
    5. Once your account is verified via an email, then you can upload Android Apps and Games on Google Playstore.
    6. Every App and Game is first reviewed before getting published. It may take 24-48 hours.

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