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  • How to call using WhatsApp?

    Know how to call using WhatsApp on your smartphone. Here are the details which will let you to enable calling feature of WhatsApp.

    I've heard WhatsApp has come out with a new calling feature. I've updated my WhatsApp to the latest version, yet I don't see that feature. Can someone tell me how to get the calling feature on WhatsApp?
  • Answers

    6 Answers found.
  • WhatsApp has not yet launched the voice calling feature. They have been promising the service for more than a year now. The planned update has been delayed. There has been no announcement on the exact time frame for the launch of this service.
    There are some leaked screen shots available on the Internet from different sources. Some of them say the next update to the instant messenger app will introduce the service. According to the leaks available , there will be a separate tab for the voice activity and a slight change in the interface. The voice calling is supposed to work on 3G and EDGE.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • It is still not declared officially by the Whatsapp about when they are launching the voice call app in Whatsapp. But soon it will launched as the users desperately waitig for this features. Yes it is also true that the voice calling in Whatsapp will work via 3G and advance network only. It will not be good on 2G network speed as the voice calling needs more bandwidth connection to make a successful calling over internet.

  • You can get an advantage to free call using the latest version of whatsapp v 4.0.0 which seems to be very interesting and many people are eagerly waiting to go for it.


    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • Aman, for your kind info some sites are leaking this info - but there is no 4.0.0 version is still not available. And until and unless the voice calling is officially available we cannot predict anything.
    The version available right now for Android on play store is 2.11.505. And the latest version on WhatsApp website is 2.11.520. So where is the question of version 4.0.0? The site you have taken this info from is spreading rumours.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • The latest version of Whatsapp is 2.11.505 and it has been released on 10-Feb-2015. There is no version of 4.0.0 is available for Whatsapp messenger.

  • Calling feature has been introduced by WhatsApp now. It has been stated that it will be available only for Android KitKat onwards, though I am not sure about this.
    First of all you need to have the latest version of WhatsApp for this to work. Check if you have version 2.11.508 or above, else update.
    1. Ask someone who has the feature enabled to call you. WhatsApp has enabled the feature for some users as a beta testing.
    2. That's all! Your Voice calling feature is enabled.
    Note: You can call anyone without this feature now to enable this on their number. which means you can activate voice calling on other users once it is activated on your account.
    The feature has not yet been activated on my account. I have been checking for someone with the feature enabled so that I can ask him to call me and it will be activated on my number as well.
    Please Note - This feature can also be activated using some hacks for which you need to root your phone. The process is risky as it may damage your Whatsapp application files.
    Refer to this link in which I have also mentioned the other two unofficial hacks. But please proceed at your own risk.

    Live....and Let Live!

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