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  • How to upgrade from Android 4.2 to Android 4.4?

    Want to upgrade your smartphone operating system from Android version 4.2 to Android 4.4? Read this thread to know the step by step procedure involved in doing the same.

    I want to know the step by step process to to upgrade my smartphone from Android V4.2 JellyBean to Android v4.4 KitKat. I am afraid because I heard that the upgrade (if not successful) causes damage to the smartphone. So, can anybody tell me exactly how to upgrade from Android 4.2 to Android 4.4?
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • An update, whether available or not, depends on your mobile phone's model number. Please let us know which cellphone you are using in order to point you to the right direction.

    There are a lot of devices out there that have been receiving the latest OS update (Lollipop) whereas some can only be update till KitKat or Jelly Bean officially. However, depending upon your phone's model number you may also be able to root it and upgrade to an unofficial Lollipop/KitKat firmware.

  • Don't update your phone unless you get official update. To know whether your phone has official update, go to Settings -> Check Updates. If there is a update you will get a message like "There is new system software available for your phone" if not you will get "Your phone is up to date".

    The other way to get update is flashing ROM. Flashing ROM involves three process. First you need to root your phone, then install a recovery like CWM or TWRP and finally you will flash the custom ROM. Flashing ROM is unofficial method and it will void your warranty. To flash custom ROM you need PC and active internet connection.

    I don't encourage flashing custom ROM unless you are tech freak and interested in exploring gadget. You may brick your phone in the process.

    If you want details about unofficial ROM visit XDA developer website. Search you phone model name with the keyword custom ROM. For example if you are using Moto G then search like "Moto G custom ROM". You will get list of ROM's posted by developers. Read the instruction given by developer and flash it.

  • Unofficial way to upgrade android:

    1.Root your smartphone using kingo root tool

    2.Then download the recovery image of your smartphone,

    3.Save the image in your device sdcard

    4.Start the device in recovery mode

    5.Wipe the data,cache and dalvik

    6.Then,click on recover from smartphone sdcard the image copied earlier

    8.Click ok

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