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  • How to add feed widget in blog

    Here you can learn how to configure feeds for your blog or website using feedburner and similar services

    I am using blogspot for my blog. The problem is that I am unable to add feed widget on my blog. I tried using feedburner, but it shows constant crash once I fill in the feed URL on the website. I also tried adding widget from feedcat but I didn't really like its appearance. It is inconvenient for new readers to subscribe using feedcat's widget. Please suggest how to proceed. I need a solution urgently.

    Also tell me how to insert a box below the feed widget wherein readers can add their email id for subscriptions
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • After successfully login to your blogger account, go to the dashboard of your personal blog. You need to click the icon 'Layout' and choose 'Page Elements'. There you will see the required icon "Add a Gadget." You can select your favorite Gadget or widget and name search option is also available there. After choosing the widget you can simply add it in your blog by clicking the blue symbol seen there. The last step is to save the process and your job has been done successfully.

  • @Suresh

    On clicking the blue icon, it asks to add the feed URL. Here I added the URL shown below after replacing the blogname with the actual name but this shows the message ' Invalid URL'. What to do?

    RSS 2.0:

  • If you want to solve your problem, then follow these steps one by one.

    How to burn Blogger feed using Feedburner

    1. First of all, login to your feedburner account using your Gmail ID.
    2. Now on the first page, you will see a blank box. Enter your blog address e.g., in the blank box. Then click on next button.
    3. Then on the next page, feedburner will discover two feeds on your blog. Choose the second one i.e., RSS : /feeds/posts/default?alt=rss. Then click on next button again.
    4. Then Choose a name and address for your feedburner feed. I recommend you to choose the name of your feed same as the name of your blog like "My Blog" and feed address like this "myblog".
    5. Now on the next page, you can choose options according to your needs. Then click on done buttton.
    6. Now you have successfully burned your blog feed.

    Redirecting default blog feed to the newly created Feedburner feed

    1. Copy the newly created feed address of your blog. The complete address of your feed should be looks like this -
    2. Now login to your blogger account.
    3. Go to Settings->Others. Now paste the feed address in the "post feed redirect url box".
    4. Save and done.

    Adding feed widget/chicklet to your blog

    1. Login to the feedburner account.
    2. Click on the newly created feed and go to Publicize->Chicklet Chooser.
    3. Now copy the HTML code of your desired chicklet.
    4. Then login to your Blogger account. Go to Layout tab and click on Add gadget.
    5. Now paste the HTML code here and click on save button.
    6. Now you can see the feed chicklet/widget on your blog.

    Adding email subscription box in blogger

    1. Login to your feedburner account.
    2. Go to Publicize->Email Subscription.
    3. Now you will see two types of HTML codes - first one for subscription box and second one for subscription link.
    4. Now copy the HTML code from the first box.
    5. Then login to your blogger dashboard.
    6. Go to Layout->Add Gadget. Now paste the HTML code here and click on save button.
    7. Done.

    Now go to your blog's homepage and you will see all the changes.

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