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  • Can we use WhatsApp on both SIMs on a Dual SIM phone?

    Want to use WhatsApp on both SIMs on your dual SIM smartphone? Find out if this is possible from our experts.

    Most of the newer phones being launched these days are of Dual SIM in nature. As we all know, WhatsApp as an app cannot be installed as (separate) two apps on the same phone. So how can a Dual SIM phone user configure WhatsApp for both the numbers? Apart from using the SIM in two different phones, is there any way to do it?
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • Yes, it is possible to use WhatsApp on both SIMs on a dual SIM smartphone. What you need to do is to run a separate account of WhatsApp which is different from your original WhatsApp account. You can do this with a modified version of the official WhatsApp. This modified version is known as OGWhatsApp (so named apparently after the name of the person who created it).

    To get the OGWhat's App, though, you need to first uninstall the regular WhatsApp. Of course, remember to save all the data of WhatsApp before uninstalling it! For a complete step by step guide refer:


  • Yes you can use Whatsapp on both SIM on your dual SIM phone.If you want know how to operate your two accounts on Whatsapp on Dual SIM phone then you must read the details provided here. You can use the modern messenger that is refereed as OG Whatsapp that supports to operate two accounts of Whatsapp.

    • Installing OG Whatsapp is similar to installing any .apk file on your Android device. /LI>
    • OG is a third party app that provide you the brilliant feature of using two Wahtsapp account on your phone.

    • The most important thing you must take care that you must rename the old Whatsapp file on the SD card to avoid losing data.

    • You can restore the data of Old Whatsapp to the new OG Whatsapp by simply backing up the data to the OG Wahtsapp folder.

    • The both apps works independently as separate applications and hence you can use two accounts on your phone.

    • OG Whatsapp provides you the facility to view the files online without downloading.

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