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  • Windows Store vs Windows Phone Store

    Here you can learn more about Windows Store and Windows Phone Store

    I am really confused between these two terms - Windows Store and Windows Phone Store. Both distributes apps and games for Windows operating systems. Then why two different stores for the same thing. Can someone clear my doubt about what is the difference between Windows Phone Store and Windows Store ?
  • Answers

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  • Windows Phone store and Windows Store the both are developed by Microsoft Windows. These are the places from we can download application softwares.

    Windows Store- Windows store is the store that is available with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. The main purpose of this store applications for desktop. You can download free as well as paid application from Windows Store for your Windows. The updated version of Windows store is available in Windows 8.1.

    Windows Phone Store- This store exclusively focuses on the phone having Windows operating System. The store provides more than 3 Lakhs application to its users. The paid apps available on windows store can be purchased using credit card, operator billing etc.

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