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  • What is Gorilla Glass? Where it is being used?

    Are you looking for information about Gorilla Glass? What is that? What is the composition of Gorilla Glass? Find more about Gorilla Glass from our experts.

    Hello friends,

    Is the Gorilla Glass any special type of glass or weapon? What for it is used? Please tell me about the composition of Gorilla Glass.

    Thank you.
  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • Hi,
    Gorilla Glass is a type of glass, not a weapon. This glass was founded by Corning, a U.S glass production company. It is a commercial glass and I think they won't reveal their composition they used to make this glass. But in Wikipedia it is mentioned as alkali-aluminosilicate.

    Mobile phones or electronic products using this glass have dust resistance, water resistance and scratch resistance. This glass is very thin and lighter, makes this glass very advantage.

    Mobile phone using this glass:
    Below are some of the popular mobile phones using this glass.
    HTC One X
    Motorola DEFY+
    Nokia Lumia 920
    Dell XPS 12
    Sony KDL-46NX720 smart TV

    Above are few example from popular consumer electronics manufacturers. There are about 1 billion products using this Gorilla Glass technology.

  • Hi member

    This is nice question about Gorilla glass, Yes Its a form of glass which produce by the U.S glass production. As above response Its use for commercial purpose and Its for duct resistance purpose.In electronics devices Its uses in mobile phone ans t.v,LCD screen as a dust resistor which keep clean the screen.

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    Regards & Thanks
    Aamir Khan

  • Gorilla Glass, manufactured by Corning is being used in displays by 30 brands. Nearly 165 devices are already equipped with this Gorilla glass. The main features of this outstanding product are damage resistant, scratch resistant and also stands against drops. Truth is that, you can place this glass even in hands of a 3 year old kid without any fear of breakage.
    Due to its excellent performance and water resistant features it is being employed by all the tech manufacturers. The below picture gives you a comparison between Soda Lime Glass and Gorilla Glass.

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