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  • How to get different links / categories of a website on Google Search engine?

    Do you want to know- how to get different links / categories of a website on Google Search engine? Very simple just follow this thread.

    I have experienced on many websites that whenever I type the name or the URL of a websites on Google Search engine, it shows many links / categories of the websites on Google. How to show it? I have a website on and I want to show categories of my website on Google search engine like this. Give me some valuable suggestions. When I type the Techulator on Google, it shows many links. I have attached below this snapshot.
  • Techulator category on google (1540-233641-Tec.bmp)
  • Answers

    2 Answers found.
  • It is done by Google automatically for reputed websites. WMs don't have to do anything specific for it. Once you start getting a lot of traffic, Google which itself find out depending on your organic traffic which categories on your blog are famous and shows them as list below the blog's search results.

  • Google shows the most popular pages/posts under the website title when we search for the website. I don't think there is anything you can do about it. It is just the matter of popularity of your website and the particular page or posts of yours.

    Let me clear it again, Google displays the 2, 4 or 6 very popular pages/posts or category. If you also want to see your site like that, you just have to publish some great posts or articles with good SEO and quality so that you can get maximum Google clicks for that post. If the particular pages/posts of your site has the good rank in Google's SERP then you can see them when you type your site title or URL in Google.

    Try to produce and publish some unique, quality articles which can fetch you good traffic too. If your post gets good organic search from Google, it'll be automatically listed under your site title.

    "People says 143. I say 444 i.e. Love Your Life"

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